Emily and Ben came up to Grants Pass for Thanksgiving. I cooked the Thanksgiving turkey dinner for the first time in years. Mom joined us for dinner and we played
Bananagrams most of the evening. The next morning I got up at 4:45 to trek off to Fred Meyer to buy a new LCD/HD TV and was back in bed by 6 am. Emily and Ben had to get back to Redding so they headed home later that morning.
Work keeps me quite busy. We have had budget cuts and lost one employee this year, so the rest of us are picking up the slack. I taught a parenting class this fall, it was great fun and I hope to do another one next fall. This spring I will be providing a training series for providers working with infants, toddlers, and their families… so I don’t expect things to slow down a lot until summer. We have two weeks off for spring break (another result of the budget cuts) so I am hoping to bring Ryan up for a few days. It is his turn to come to grandma’s house. He wrote me a letter that said he wants to go to the park; I think he may be referring to Riverside Park as I have taken both of his sisters already and he has heard about the tractors and the ducks. So we have a date!
So there it is… my first post. Hopefully I will have some interesting things to share throughout the coming year. Stay tuned! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year!