Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some of my favorite photos of the kids...


  1. Hi Kelly, what a great idea to go green this year with a blog. You have more courage doing this than I. Right at this moment the sun is setting and the sky is a brilliant salmon and tangerine color against the skyline and snow, which we received earlier last week. I went snow shoeing this afternoon and have the next two weeks off!!!
    I'll be heading to Phoenix on Tuesday for Christmas with the family doing a non-traditional Christmas.
    Wishes to you and the family (tell them all hello) for a wonderful holiday with lots of fun.
    Love xxx Debbie

  2. Hey Debbie, Glad to see your post. Right now it is rain/snowing... very slushy. I imagine we will have snow on the ground again in the morning. Have fun in Phoenix!
